Nui Engine
A game engine framework
No Matches
About The Project

Nui Engine is a simple editor-less, code-first focused game engine/framework written in C++ 23. The entire journey of making it is being documented on my website here. Active development happpens on the dev branch and changes are merged into main when stable and tested.


Nui Engine is documented using Doxygen (see Docs folder for Doxyfile). You can read the auto generated project documentation here.


  • Premake5 (included in repository)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (solution file generated using Premake)
  • Python (to create project files)
  • C++ 23

Using The Engine / Creating a Project

  • Clone/Fork the repository
  • Delete the Testbench folder _(it contains the sandbox project where I test the functionality of the engine. You may keep it for reference purposes)_
  • Create a project (follow below)
    • Open commandline
    • Navigate the Scripts/ folder
    • Run -projectname=<PrjName>
      • Where PrjName is the name of your project (and the solution file).
      • The project name does not have to be quoted
        • Usage example: Scripts/ -projectname=MyGame
  • In the root directory, you will see the generated visual studio solution file along with the game project folder.
  • Run GenerateprojectFiles.bat from the root whenever any files are added or removed from the engine/game
  • You may also delete the following from the .gitignore file so that you don't have to create a new project every single time. You can do so by navigating to the bottom of the gitignore file and deleting the marked lines:
    • *.sln
    • *.vcxproj
    • *.vcxproj.filters
    • premake5.lua
  • Build the solution using VS2022. The build output will be in the <Root>/Build/<BuildConfig>/<ProjectName>/ directory

Project Roadmap

The project roadmap will keep on expanding and changing as I keep working on the project. But it gives an overview as to what I may be working on at the moment

  • Generate project files
    • Create premake lua build scripts
    • Create project directory and set up links
    • Create a project entry point (cpp) file + template
  • Engine
    • Logging
    • Assertion
    • Filesystem
    • Application
      • Windowing
      • Input
      • Framework
    • ECS
  • Graphics
    • — TBD —
  • Audio
    • — TBD —
  • Test
    • Window tests